Well, like I mentioned before, on with the list!
1. Visit 10 wineries
- Miranda's
- CT valley
-Haight Brown
- Sunset
- Jerram
2. Watch the entire series of Star Wars before the new one comes out
3. Read the whole Harry Potter series
4. Visit five friends in and out of the state from college
- V in Boston!
- T in Boston!
- J, N, & T in Hartford
5. Go to ComicCon dressed up!
- update, all paid up!
- update, my costume is finished!
6. Go to Rocky Horror dressed up
7. Participate in a race
- Participated in the LHRR! I did 7.1 miles in 2:21!
8. Try three types of ethnic foods
9. Win a contest (official or unofficial!)
- won tickets to Hello Dolly!
10. Read two books a month
Plenty of room for improvement!