Turn on the news. Go on, I dare you. Now count how many negative impacts they highlight in society today. I'd say roughly every case and file was negative, no? This is SAD society. Truly SAD.
I do hope that Japan can heal after the tsunami and earthquake.
I pray for peace in the Middle East.
In the homes I pray for forgiveness for the abused and neglected children.
For the families that are hurting in the world, I pray for their pains to lessen.
I say a silent prayer to all the men and women out there risking their lives for our own.
I pray for Haiti to rebuild and to heal.
For the children that are driven
out in droves from Burma, I pray for their safety.
Every melinnulum, every century, every decade, every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minuete, of every second someone somewhere out there in the world is hurting in one way or another.
Places plead for cash to protect the innocent. Send in relief funds! We need the money to help those that are most unfortunate! Sympathize when you see the picture of the two month old crying for his mother. Feel your heart tug when you see an infant on her sisters back, not over the age of seven scrounging for food. Send these childrens, adults, animals and trees money to survive.
We see these commercials, pleas advertisments every day. On TV, on the buses and in your newspaper. People talk about it, use cell phones, talk on the radio, and sneak it into childrens studies. We tell our children, eat up your broccali, someone out there cant afford thier broccali so you get to eat it.
Unfortunetly this is how it is. We live in a world where there is a division between the fortunate and the less fortunate. The fortunate sympathize and send money, clothes and food. The less fortunate are welcoming the help, yet what the media doesn't cover is how the help is not reaching the people who need it the most. Great we did our part, we sent in $10, but how much of it actually helps? How much of it actually reaches the people? How much of it goes into some one elses pocket?
We send more and more relief to countries that do need the help and yet on closer inspection they are still struggling. They are still hungry, still thirsty, still in need. They don't just want sympathy, they want help.
Houses are being built, makeshift hospitals are being set up, schools are revamped but does this appease the growing hunger? Does this truly help?
I saw a commercial today asking of me $19 to save an animal from being beaten. $19 a week. I can calculate where the money is going, to the food, to the facility then finally to the caretakers. I can see that. Probably a dollar here or there to take care of medical needs, blankets, dog collars and the like.
Apply that to the relief funds. If every person gave a dollar to the relief funds, well in my state that would be roughly 5 million dollars. $5,000,000. If we send that to Haiti then there can be more food bought, more houses raised, more schools built for the children, more everything. However, why does only $1 billion get to them? Where is the rest of the money going? This was in last weeks news. Where did the money go?
I want to do my part in helping the world, but I would rather do it in a way where I can see my labor go into a good cause. I would rather be there building houses than giving $10 so I can see where it goes. I would rather buy the food and sit down with the family than send off the money to an organization that obviously has the money if they are making posters, doing advertisements and radio ads.
I know I'm young but I see this as an issue.
We are all humans and we all have to share this planet. We should all get our hands dirty, down right dirty where our hands down go back to thier natural color for a week. Down a dirty where we have splinters, bruises and blisters digging into our skins. Working so hard we cannot be recognized when leaving the site, walking away with our heads held high and our eyes sparkling. Because we know that we did a good job and we helped out our neighbors. We got down there in the dirt and built a foundation. We built the walls, the windowframes and the roof. We dug into the earth the flowers, the roads the schools, the post offices, the stores. Instead of cold, hard, unfeeling cash we need to be giving, warm and helpful
Please, if we do not start helping now, what will the world look like in a moment, in a month, a year, a decade? Will we recognize what we grew up in? What we taught and worked in?
What will
you do?