Don't let me give up,
Or give too much,
Or give in.
Because I will give up at the moment I can,
I will give away too much of me,
I will give in to temptation.
Because I will let myself fall, I'm my own worst enemy,
I will loan away all, and never ask for it back,
I will give in until it hurts.
Because I will learn to never stand for myself,
I will lose all the ground that I stand on,
I will give in until there is none.
Please, I know that I am strong, if you give me the chance.
I know that I know what my limits are, if you wait.
I know that there are times to give in,
But today is not that day.
I don't need you to tell me not to give up,
Or tell me not to give away too much,
Or give in at the first moment,
Because I've learned my lesson,
And I'll hold my own ground,
And I'll never again give in.