Sunday, October 27, 2013


"It's So FLUFFYYYY!!!!!"

Couldn't resist! A friend of mine sent me a picture of one pattern and from there I took off with the minions! I've made quite a few (you can't have just one minion!) and as you can see here they came out pretty awesome!
The best part is, Christmas is coming up and these are great stocking stuffers!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Can you settle…
For something you’ll never have?
There’s something that I’ve dreamed about
An idea really
Of what he’ll really be like
Funny, Smart, Average like Me
Gives attention, offers help, overall helpful
A clever Boy Scout
Nothing will ever be
Good enough for Daddy’s Little Girl
So does this mean that I have to settle?
Do I have to settle
For a boy
Instead of a Man
Do I have to settle
For attention online
Instead of attention in person
Do I have to settle
For old stories
Instead of creating new ones
Do I have to settle
For hiding who we are
Instead of showing everyone who we are
Do I have to settle
For you
When there is so someone else
That I don’t have to settle for. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Life isn't fair.

All they have in common is I.

I am,
The one thing in common between life
and fair.

You can be a fair skinned person
With beautiful locks
Glittering eyes and
A youthful smile.
But how is your life?
It has ups and down,
Twists and Turns,
And not everything is
In black. Or White.

Or maybe you're a life-guard,
With a slimmed body by a red suit
Safety skills to be envied
And a well paying job, in the summer.
But how is everything else in your mind?
Are you worried that this will be the summer
That something awful will happen?
Will you make enough to make it
Into the college of your dreams?

I know that Life isn't Fair.
But I know that it has me
To be afraid of
Because if I know the truth about
Life and being Fair
Then all I need is

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Give In.

Don't let me give up,
Or give too much,
Or give in.

Because I will give up at the moment I can,
I will give away too much of me,
I will give in to temptation.

Because I will let myself fall, I'm my own worst enemy,
I will loan away all, and never ask for it back,
I will give in until it hurts.

Because I will learn to never stand for myself,
I will lose all the ground that I stand on,
I will give in until there is none.

Please, I know that I am strong, if you give me the chance.
I know that I know what my limits are, if you wait.
I know that there are times to give in,
But today is not that day.

I don't need you to tell me not to give up,
Or tell me not to give away too much,
Or give in at the first moment,

Because I've learned my lesson,
And I'll hold my own ground,
And I'll never again give in.