Monday, June 26, 2017


I don't know if you can still read these
Where you are
I'm not even sure if you decided to stay
Because we keep on seeing your signs
That you're still here
Hanging around
Just to make sure we're doing okay
Down here

I wonder what it's like up there
If you have warm spring days
Where the flowers just bloom
And the ice has just melted away
To reveal the cold crisp water
That was hidden under the snow
And a sweet haunting smell
That plays alongside the wind

I wonder still if you see instead the summer
And there are warm lakes to swim in
That have fish that tickle your toes
And lazy shade to rest your head
I wonder if summer resembles the camp
Where we used to play
With winding trails and hidden nooks
A playground for big kids
And the laughter of children found at every corner

I wonder if instead you find yourself in the fall
Where there are changing colors dancing
The air becomes cool and crisp
Neighbors place out their freshly carved pumpkins
The only reason to smell pumpkin spice
A reasonable time to wear costumes
I laugh though, for anytime is a good time to wear one
I know the bees begin to hibernate now
For even they know what winter can be like

I wonder, if I dare, what winter is like up there
If there are long hills to ride unstoppable sleds
Fountains that only offer hot chocolate with cream
But I stop myself when I think of what winter is
At least how it is down here
I know it's silly, that I shouldn't be afraid
I know that you're watching out for us all
But I still don't like to think of winter

While we're still down here
I'm glad you're checking to see if we're okay
You're just hanging around
I know you're still actually here
I keep looking for your signs
I'm sure some days you decide to just pop in
Where ever you are though,
I hope that you're able to read these

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