Sunday, December 8, 2013

Saying Goodbye

I had a dream last night
  That I was trying to write you a letter
On stationary, upon a little hill
  One looking over the green valley that we call home
But a strong gust of wind blew
  And ripped your letter from my hands
Leaving me behind with only a pen
  As proof that I tried at all
The wind left me behind
  With my hair flowing, and dress twirling
Collapsed upon my knees in disdain
  For I had tried to say goodbye

By my darling came along and lifted me
  And even you said he'd be good to me
He held me close and carried me down the hill
  And I remembered what you said
"He's good to you right? Because that's what counts.
  Don't take anything less."
So while you're there and we, your friends
  Remain behind, know that we're all safe
Please don't worry about us, we'll worry about you
  Just remember me in that sundress
  Dancing out on your summer lawn

Sunday, December 1, 2013


World, Meet Baby Hettie and Momma Hattie!

I made Baby Hettie for a paying customer who is giving her away to a friend who is having a baby shortly after Thanksgiving! I wish her friend the best and happy travels Baby Hettie!

Momma Hattie needs a nose-job (my fault entirely) but it doesn't mean that she can't be less loved! If no one buys her, she might be going on the craft table in a few weeks! Well, yes I have been offered to place items on a table at an upcoming craft fair in December! I'm so excited!

I'll post a picture of who else will be joining us on the table, in the meantime...