Monday, June 24, 2013

Sharpied Mugs

Left: Top Bar: "Unable to communicate. Try again later."  Second Bar: "More awake... may bite off heads." Third Bar: "You may speak now. Slowly. Right Cup: "Sometimes apart ... but never in heart. ♥"

Aren't these just adorable? I found a couple of different ideas for the mugs, and a couple of different ideas on how to make the mugs but this method seems to work the best. I did give one away for a Valentines gift, but then I found it smashed to smithereens a week later. Poor planning on her part storing it on the ground or on mine thinking that she actually cared? Don't worry, neither one of these was harmed, it was a larger, cheaper cup! ♥

So, the first thing you need to do is get yourself a lovely white (preferably porcelain) coffee mugs. I found these cuties at the dollar store (maybe that's why the first one broke,?  Maybe...). If it breaks, heck, it was only a dollar! Now, find yourself a sharpie. Mine was a little chubby, so if I was to do this again I for sure would use a smaller tipped sharpie marker. Just a tip☺

Now, this is the tricky part... write on it! But make sure that everything is spelled correctly or so help you... the person that you're giving it to will never let it down that you misspelled "coffee" or their name, or anything! LET IT DRY. I would say a few hours to a few ays. Just because I'm extra cautious.

Now, when you are all done place it in the oven at 350 degrees F. Yes! You have to bake it! Now, I've heard from a range of 10 minutes to half an hour. I would say leave a spot (maybe on the bottom) wither you just write a couple of scribbles. When the scribbles STOP SMEARING, you're done! If they keep smearing, you're so totally NOT DONE.

Have fun! These are cute, reusable, cheap, gifts. So if you break one (Like I have already!) don't feel bad! Just get another one and don't tell anyone! Have fun! ♠

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