Monday, October 3, 2011

S.O. [11]

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." ~ Sir Winston Churchill

Everyone knows somebody who is a pessimist. They are constantly complaining about this or that, and who did this and who did that and mentioning everything but what is important at that point in time. Occasionally this type of person would get us down, if they were to comment on an action we had recently done or explain their dislike of the outfit that you are wearing. Pessimist! Imagine an opportunity includes, a group of you are able to go to a concert. Everything is set, the rides, tickets, refreshments, money for pictures, cameras etc. Then Pessimist Penny starts talking. She talks about the trip and how long it would take to get there and how she despises long car rides. When its time to pay for the ticket she moans and groans about how much the (discounted) ticket costs. And on and on and on. Before long when ever Pessimistic Penny shows up, the group wants to shove out. If allowed she could ruin every wonderful opportunity you and your friends could have.

But then there is Optimistic Ollie, who sees the brighter side of life. She believes, if the door is shut, bolted and supported from behind, there will be a way to get through that door. Gosh darn it, she will find a way. And maybe that way will be going through the window three feet off the ground and going back through the door the other way, but she will get through that door no matter what it takes. After the ordeal she will wipe the dirt off her brow and go, "I'm glad I finally got through that door, either wise no one else would have been able to!"

Everyone knows a Pessimistic Penny or a Optimistic Ollie, but what we need to do is balance ourselves between being pessimistic and optimistic. When we balance ourselves more opportunities than ever will appear and a better persona of yourself will be available to your friends and family. 


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