Wednesday, September 25, 2013



I'm sorry, the cats did not eat me. I just got so busy and forgot to post about what happened while house sitting! I'm fine, but the cats are missing and the house burned down. I'm totally kidding. Sort of... one of the cats took off the morning they were to arrive. Chances are it's had enough and took off for sure. Apparently that's what cats do before they die, they run away so no one has to deal with the sadness. I have no idea. I'm not a cat person.

In the meantime though, I've returned home, started a new job, been on a few dates, actually have a boyfriend, decided to quit said job and am starting a new one this coming Monday (yayy!). I'm moving up in the world and I'm not letting anyone grouch stop me! I'm once again working on cleaning my room, so my idea is that if I shame myself in to having a dirty room that needs to be cleaned, perhaps it will stay clean with weekly updates! I don't know, maybe it will work, maybe there is one one who actually reads this, or maybe there are a few out there that are saying GO KJ! but unless if you actually say anything, I have no idea!

So, to wrap up, thanks for sticking with me for the past month and I hope things can go back on schedule! Have a fantastic day!

~ Me

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