Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sound Off [13]

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind, don't matter and those who matter, don't mind."-Dr.Seuss

I have always loved this quote, from hearing it as a child when reading the Dr. Seuss books to watching a few friends preform the lyrics on stage when Suessical was in town. It carries a powerful meaning to young children, letting them know that it is okay to be themselves. If the boys want to wear a pink shirt and the girls want to play trucks its okay! Those who tell the girls to play with the dolls because "trucks are for boys" are not listening to the beautiful quote. These girls are being who they are! They boys are too! The people who are forming their children to be specifically gender roled, or having them 'fit' into the 'norms' are not helping their children, or anyone for that matter. These people really mind therefore, they truly don't matter.

In the world there should be more members who encourage originality and children who speak their mind. We really don't know what they are thinking, feeling or wanting to do everyday of their lives. The creative people fix the world, and they do it even if they don't have permission. They just do it anyways and the world is a better place for it.

In my classroom I want students who wear different outfits, stripes on spots, yellow on orange and everything in between. This will tell me that my students are being the creative people who they are, and they will know that I care and matter in their lives because I will encourage them being this way. One day I just might let the students dress up as their favorite professions! I hope to get a boy ballerina and a girl carpenter!

I don't want to be one those teachers/parents/peers that mind about how others act. I don't want to be someone that doesn't matter. I want to be someone who doesn't mind, and matters in someones life.

Don't you think this is the better way to go too?

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