Friday, March 16, 2012


 I'm really getting into the whole supernatural spooky theme, and I'm really not that surprised. After watching The Amity ville Horror and reading it to see how much of it was true (see link for direct link to the Amity ville Horror ) I decided to read Carrie, just for kicks. My library provided me with this copy of the book, after they inter library loaned it.

 My mom told me not to read it to bed, but really, it wasn't that terrible to read in bed! I was able to read a few pages every night, and the story began to build. If any of you have seen the movie, it shouldn't be too different. It's next on my list to read, so I'll let you know how it goes if you haven't see it yet, like myself.
As it starts out, Carrie, the main character, gets her period. Now remember, this is the 1970's and a little bit different. Fortunately, there were still lockers room, it wasn't that long ago! Carrie was a bit of loner, with no friends and truly the but of every one's joke until senior year. She lived alone with her mother in a little house under a strict religious regimen. Her father passed away when she was too young to remember, and her mother had a miscarriage before Carrie even came into the picture. Her mother did not like Carrie and pretty much told her this everyday. With a mean mom and awful kids, and a sudden maturation, Carrie begins to sense a different kind of power within in her body.
Before long Carrie has mastered her new powers and uses them to develop control over her house and manages to snag a date for the Prom. As everyone knows, something bad happens at prom when it is in the movies or in the books, which I will not go very much into detail. In a nutshell, something goes wrong at Prom, which was supposed to be one of Carrie's shining moments, however, it did not go very well. It's not even mischief like in the Amity ville Horror ghosts, Carrie is a walking, talking terrifying creature that you would not want to meet in a dark alley. With or without pigs blood.
In the 1970's this book had rocked every one's worlds and the paranormal became something very frightening to think about, much less read about at night. If I was one of the first people to read it, I certainly would have slept with a night light and a working smoke alarm. And would have gotten rid of the fish tank. You know what happens when water and electricity is on the ground? It's not good, not good at all.
This is all from the great mind of Stephen King, who is by far, one of my favorite authors of the century. Thank you Stephen King for this great novel!

By Stephen King 

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