Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

Prince Dastan: Difficult, not impossible.
Tamina: All more proof you're insane.
Prince Dastan: Why do you look so impressed?
- One of my favorite lines in the movie ☺

Sorry it's not the best picture but it is the cover of the movie! If anyone is familiar with the story of Prince of Persia then you are also familiar with the story line of the raging wars between the brothers and the families and how  one brother was adopted and ...
Oh you're not? Let me fill you in then! The original Prince of Persia was written to explain the video game, which has a hundred different endings and a hundred different stories.  The main one (to my understanding) is as follows: A king had a son and a daughter, and went to war where he killed the leading general of the opposing kingdom. He adopted the son and raised him as his own. When he died the kingdom went to all three of his children. A third general disagreed and told the children (who are now adults) that he will not attack unless if the adopted son and the daughter marry. Already there is tension between the siblings because the siblings had different viewpoints and did not agree with one another over life and death matters. But this Persia where life and death is the meaning of life. In a nutshell the prince and princess marry and she becomes pregnant with his child. and on the child's birth day the opposing general attacks feeling that the kingdom is weak. The infant is whisked away and becomes another chapter in the book. Fast forward about two hundred years. The same kingdom is at a loss because they fear that a prophecy will soon ring true, that a son born on a certain date will take over the kingdom. The king freaks out and orders that all male infants born on that date perish. Thousands of infant boys die, except for one. His mother arraigns that if he was born on that date then he would be taken away. In his place a maiden uses a baby lamb and convinces the guard that the infant was stillborn and defected. Twenty years down the road the son meets a runaway princess (it seems to be a theme here) and they defeat the kingdom that was rightfully his and begin their rule as a peaceful kingdom.
I'm not sure how many years before or after Prince of Persia Sands of Time is to the original story, but I can tell you that it has all the common themes that the original Prince of Persia held. It begins with a king adopting a street rat and raises him with his two sons as a prince. He becomes framed for a murder he did not commit (using magic and deceit, another theme) and ends up in the clutches of a woman that he suddenly became betrothed to, and it helps that she is quite pretty, but he won't admit that! The rogue prince and the high princess go on an adventure to protect the Sands of Time which exist in a magic dagger that can turn back time if you find the secret mechanism.
The princess becomes very agitated, partly because she's forced to be on this adventure with her future cocky betrothed and second of all she wants to protect the dagger. I've noticed that women play a pretty major part in these stories which is a bit of a relief if I may say myself! She makes up for everything that the prince is putting her through, which makes it all better. The villain constantly changes throughout the movie and if you don't pick up on the first, then you don't pick up on who is to blame next and why the heck are there assassins running after the adorable prince now? Magic is evident, time is at stake and if you're squeamish around snakes, then I suggest you watch a different movie. Enjoy! 

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