Monday, December 26, 2011

Scarf Patterns for Gifts

It's that time of year again where everyone is scrambling to find gifts for everyone on their lists. And this is the time of year when gifts really tend to be commercialized. Really commercialized. To bring back some of that Holiday spirit that our generation especially lacks I propose that each person gives away ONE homemade gift. Whether it is a homemade card, painting or ashtray made out of clay, it still would be personal and meaningful.
This Christmas I crocheted a few scarves  for a few dear friends of mine, and really, I finished all three in twenty-four hours or less! I decided to post a few patterns that I test-drove this year....

 These two were very simple. The blue and red one was a 12 stitch across and hangs at about down to my waist. The boy that it is going to is taller than me so I hope that its long enough! As a finishing touch (and because I wanted to cover up my mistakes on the ends...) I crocheted a red border around the blue.
The second scarf is a little different, first I made a strip of orange yarn that was 4 across and was long enough to go around my waist. (My measuring tape!) The second step was crocheting two more rows around the orange in blue to make the scarf four rows longer and four rows thicker.  The third color was green and here I crocheted around the blue twice to have the scarf 12 rows across in total and also hangs just about down to my waist. It came out much thinner than the first scarf, but if I did want to make it the same width as the first scarf I could have crocheted two more rows around the green. 
The third scarf was a different pattern that I tried for the first time, ever. The pattern was 5 rows of off-white and two rows of green, repeatedly. I crocheted more rows onto the end of the scarf until it came down to about my waist then added a border of green that matched the green in the scarf. '

If any one is interested and likes these ideas, you are quite welcome to use them, however I do offer the chance to help out the Special Olympics this season. Each year they ask volunteers to crochet or knit a scarf for the volunteers that help out at the Special Olympics each year. These volunteers give their time and effort to be at the different locations for the Olympics, supporting friends, families and teammates. They don't ask for much, and they don't receive much in return.  If you have the time I ask that you look up the pattern for this years Special Olympic USA Scarf Project. The instructions can be found on the Internet, as well more patterns that you can use. This is what I ask for Christmas, Support for the Special Olympics.

Merry Christmas to you, our troops, our families and to our friends!

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