Thursday, January 19, 2012


Push is about a troubled young teenage mother who is abused in her home by her mother and her father.  Precious Jones, as she likes to be named, is kicked out of her high school before having her second child. On this birth certificate however, unlike the first one, she leaves the father of the child as unknown.
This fictional story seems much different than what I typically promote, but this story does become life-altering. Precious is placed into a high school where she can apply her knowledge and skills in a program that is supportive, other than her last school.  I won't say much on the topic but even in the first two chapters of this novel, there is a change in the way that Precious thinks about herself, the world and the education that she able to recieve through the help of numerous individuals.  All of the people that are introduced to her after she was admitted in the Higher Education Alternative/ Each One Teach One improve her life style, her way of thinking and more importantly, her self-worth.
I did like reading this book, and I hope that you will too. When I have the time (which is usually on the weekends) I hope to watch the movie Precious, which is the major motion picture of Push.

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