Monday, January 9, 2012

Kill With Kindness

We've all heard this phrase before, we absolutely love somebody or something practically to death and well, they really stop loving us or have been so loved that they need to go on up to the 'loved so much' shelf in the room. Kissy Kissy Love Love Love!  
Or have you ever wanted to kill somebody that you really just wanted to put them out of thier misery because they are so happy? Time to pull out the light sabers and the self defense right?
Other people you really just want to hug them so tight and sqeeze them so much that they have no where to go and you love them so much!! Kind of like when a cobra squeezes you so tight you can't breathe....
Okay maybe not that much, I'm sure the other person feels like they're being attacked by pirahnas and really can't go anywhere and wish that you would just go away.... Like that annoying aunt who grabs your cheeks at any age and goes "Oh Look How Cute You Are!!!"
A tactic that can ward off those lovely people that want to kill you with thier kindness is by biting them on anywhere you can find. Those poor suckers... I've been bitten before and it's ... interesting. As for me I'm gonna get rid of the meaness in your body and just squeeze it out of you! *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* OW!
Okay, so maybe that wasn't the best approach. I could tell you though, that if you try to kill you best frenemy with kindess, be warned of the various poisons that could be headed your way....
I keep checking my apples and drinks in case if she decides to make a comeback and poison any of my food. I really only wanted to be her friend, I swear! I just ended up killing her with kindess....

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