Friday, April 20, 2012


Hi! I know, I typically don't do this, but I thought I would show off everything that I have been working on for the past few months. A few of these you may recognize, others... maybe not as much. But I am going to say that if you are interested in a piece, or style I am asking for $5 for time and effort and $5 if I need to buy the material. If you have the material or know where to get it, please by all means provide me your material! It saves me the trip and money and you get exactly what you want. Eitherwise, if I have to go fetch it, it's $10 total. Anyways, enjoy!

This is a hat and scarf set made of Red Heart Blue and Barn Red. Simple red pattern scarf and hat with dark blue trim. I was actually trying to get rid of the red and I had just enough to get both the hat and scarf out of it. Not bad right?

This set I made for a friend of mine. This hat has flaps which you could attatch tails to, but I did not on this one. The scarf is blue with red trim to match the hat. I was going to kep it blue but I did not like the uneven edges so I hid them. Smart right? He really really liked the set!

This set actually was split up, the hat went to a friend and the scarf went to my aunt. This was one skien; the hat again has flaps (we had quite a few cold snaps up here!) and the scarf actually had a unique pattern. The pattern was five single rows, two rows of double and back to five single rows. Made for quite an intersting pattern!

This was a set of baby hats that I made for a few friends who just had little ones. One is a girl, the other is a boy and one girl is having twins! Wow!

The colors are fairly Barny-ish but I like the sequence. The pattern wasn't that hard, I did all four in about three days, and I found that changing the colors really wasn't that hard per hat.

This was an endless scarf for a girlfriend who wanted to get rid of some yarn. Convienent! I turned it into an endless scarf, but the problem was I forgot to even it out before I sewed up the ends and it turned into a muddled twisted thing. But that's okay because after all... it is an endless scarf!

This was my first attempt at a beret and hat with flaps set. Both turned out pretty good and both went pretty fast. Pretty much as soon as I had finished them, my friends declared that they were theirs. At least I don't have to see my mistakes too often!

This beret I did a little while ago. What was different about this one verses the red one was that this one had a different brim. I changed the part that stuck to your hair and made it for a smaller head. Which was good because the girl who wanted it has a short hair cut!

So that is what I have been working on lately. If you like anything, please comment below!
Or better yet, if YOU crochet, let me know and I will send you my patterns! Have a great day!

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