Thursday, March 10, 2011

Delusional People

How would we not get on in life,
If we did not have our companions
That stick with us by and by
In thick or thin happy or sad
With tears in our eyes or smiles on our faces
How on earth could we not get on with out friends?

A person may have enemies, but also friends
That’s what is in a real life
We may try to look different and have different faces
But that’s for the delusional ones, no true companies
Sometimes they can cheer you up when you are sad
And when you are happy they never say Good-bye!

The one you cant trust always say goodbye
They’re the ones your mother told you not to be friends
With. When friends tend to leave, you always feel sad
But you know they will come back, hey, that’s life
You can make a bond with so many companions
Just remember the ones you can trust always have smiles on their faces

With your summer ones you can feel the sun on your faces
And hang out the new ones that live nearby
First there was a few and now there are even more companions 
Each of the calling each other their friends
A get together is the best way to meet more in life
The more that you have the less likely you will be sad

I may have said before, but I am never truly sad
I tend to be the one who helps smiles on others faces
A believe there is nothing better in life
Than to have someone say hello and good-bye
Such is the true closeness of friends
Even if for a short time they may only be companions

For an example of a quick one; on a hike they are companions
But on a low occasion, such a person can’t be sad
The ones that you can truly trust are true friends
But the ones you just met are still only faces
Some of them truly mean it when they say Good-bye
But there are always the ones who will stay with you through life

True Friends, Only Faces
Not Sad, Don’t Say Good-Bye
Sometimes Companions, Always in Life

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