Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm into the outdoorsy kind of things, and one of them is fishing. I do like to fish, and that is what caught my eye. Typically what I catch is small and not very desirable to eat so I send it back, hence the phrase 'catch and release.'
The movie is set in the same way, a couple decided to be married and during a freak accident, the beau dies.  Grey (his fiance) has to go through and settle his finances and catch up on anything he left behind.  This includes taking care of his friends, home and unexpected business.  The fiance had owned something close to a fishing store (we never do see it) and was part owner.  The other owner was his close friend, who has his own back story.  The other best friend seems like a real loser, the first time we see him he is flirting with a cock-tail waitress! But by and by we see who is taking care of who and we fall in love with the budding relationship. There is one last main character, and everyone has this kind of friend. He is the bumbeling, lovable oaf and always ends up getting the girl in the end.
Also a good movie for those who want a chick flick, because there is some young love budding, and it a boy movie because of all the sporty stuff going on. And don't forget the mother-in-laws. Theres one in here too and shes definetly a mean one!
I fell in love with the soundtrack too, something that doesn't happen often. Enjoy!

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