Sunday, June 19, 2011

Heres a hint...

So I've been showing a number of outfits that I thought were pretty nice lately, but how can you find these ideas off line when you're in a hurry? I found that taking pictures of every nice outfit was fun, but what happens when they fill up your hard drive on your computer or all the space on your memory chip? You could delete them as you wear them, but what if you want to try that outfit again?
Try this: Print out the pictures of the outfits that you like and place them in a small photo album in your closet. This way in the morning when you have an idea of what you would like to wear you don't need to rack your brains trying to find that perfect idea again. I use this idea all the time. Then when I find another out fit that I like or I bought something new I take a quick picture of a few outfits that that piece goes with, print them out, place them in the album and I have a different outfit for every day of the week!
This is also handy too when you go shopping for new clothes. Take a snapshot of an outfit that you would like to pull together and take it with you. When you are shopping look for that one piece that will go with the outfit you'll save time and money by staying in one place and not having to buy six different items because you can't remember what you need.
What I like to do when I'm shopping too is to find a new item that I can place with a few pieces of clothing back in my closet. If I'm sure that I have something that would match the new item then I'll buy it, if not, then why should I waste my money on it?
Every once in a while I'll recieve a donation bag to send off to my consignment shops downtown. I'll rifle through it and see what I need before adding in a few pieces myself. I always send in at least five of my clothes everytime I buy something new so that I keep down the clothing space in my closet.
The last bit of fashion advice I have for the day is how to ditch clothes. If I haven't worn a piece of clothing for over six months, I pitch it into the consignment bag or pass it on. Just the other day I found a shirt that I hadn't worn in a while and since I no longer found it fashionable I put it in the bag.
One of my girls had an idea that she passed on to me: Shopping in friends closets. It's cheap, easy and you always know where your clothes are. If you want it back, simply ask for it. Cheaper than buying clothes from high end stores when you know that your friend lives right up the corner. My friends and I have used this system all the time. She's borrowed my scarf and I've borrowed her belts and hats. A fair trade off. So, shop closer to home, you never know when you'll find the best shirt in a closet thats near you!
Happy Clothes Hunting!

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