Sunday, September 23, 2012

James and the Giant Peach

My class and I are reading this wonderful novel by Roald Dahl.
A master storyteller and extraordinaire.
This book holds the key to adventure, spirit and friendship. And knowing that really... Anything is possible!
You must remember however, as we embark on the wonderful journey, that we must throw all views of realism and remember that everything is all fantasy! If anything doesn't seem logical, remember that it is all Fiction! If a Giant Peach really did roll through your house and village, then people would think that you're off your rocker and send you to the loony bin.
However, if you lived in Dahl's world, anything is possible!

Characters: James, Centipede, Miss Spider, Miss Ladybug, Miss Silkworm, Miss Glow Worm, Old-Green-Grasshopper, and the late Aunt Spiker and Aunt Spounge
Setting: England, the Atlantic Ocean, and the United States of America
Plot: James is a lonely little English boy who is forced to live with two of his (I'm quite certain unrelated) aunts way inland away from his lovely little home by the sea. James meets an old, we'll call him a wizard, who gives him magical things and instruct him to not let anything else get anywhere near them! Well, that is a case of foreshadowing if I ever saw one. By and by, and true Roald Dahl style MAGIC starts to happen! Everything starts to a little bit differently for James, starting off with, he gains new friends, and has more real adventures than anyone else his age!

Well, enjoy the magic! And let me know what you think of this master story teller! ☺

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