Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blow Your Horn

Little Boy Blue come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow the cow's in the corn.
But where's the boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack fast asleep.
Will you wake him? No, not I - for if I do, he's sure to cry
I'm in a bit of a nostalgic mood today, and upon research, found out that this poem really is not what we thought at first it meant! I thought it was about a little lazy Shepard's son, who neglects his job and the animals start wandering.
In reality the story is largely based on a young scholar who liked to 'blow his horn' about graduating early. Gee, if you were around now, I'd wish that you didn't talk about it so much. I'd write a poem about you too talking about how you are such a smarty pants. And commemorate you as a little boy. He he. 
I'm sticking this under cliche, because don't we all know someone that likes to 'blow their horn' a lot? Sometimes that person likes to talk about how good they are in one subject, or how they are with a particular set of skills. Let's stop using this cliche ourselves and SHUT UP! If there is discussion about how we are good about a certain something, fantastic! Let's be modest and change the subject. Compliment someone else on something their good at, and let them be on the pedestal for the day.
Let's be modest, people, and let others have the spotlight.

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