Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bad Timing

It began the night that I walked to my Grandmothers from the little foot bridge that was built years ago.  We got sick of walking through the water so we built it.  We have plans to replace the bridge in the spring, there were a few boards that were missing pieces, it still worked but we needed to take precautions. Who wanted to be dunked in a cold spring in the middle of the afternoon?
When I arrived at my Grandmothers house I noticed a young couple, somewhere in thier twenties looking at the house.  The garden flowers were dead, the trees wilted, the ornaments were gone and the house looked... empty. The paint was peeling on the side walls, there were missing shingles on the roof, the jeep in the basement was gone from the window, there was no one home. Where were my Grandparents?
I walked up to the young couple, from the distance they seemed not much older than twenty five, and as I went closer my assumptions were correct.  The girl seemed to be a few months along in a pregnancy as well.  I pretened to be checking my watch and said the date, "April 2nd 2011... Is that the right date?"
They laughed at my apparant stupidity.  It was not 2011 they told me, at to make matters worst they would not tell me the real year date.  We wandered around the dilapilated garden chatting quietly, when suddenly, Molly, the pregnant girl, pulled me aside and warned me to go away - to leave quickly.
I asked her "Why?"
She told me she couldn't tell me - she could be targed next. "Head as North as you can, your family is there with the rest of the rebellian."
Thomas pulled her away and she gave a faint goodbye smile... I called back to her I hope you remember to look for that door like I told you about!" I hope it helped bring her hubby Thomas off of the scent of what she really told me.
Where was my family? And what year was it?

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