Monday, February 21, 2011


I'm not the best looking person in the school, but I didn't use to be this way. I use to be as pretty as the other girls, but I turned to food for comfort after...
High School was hard on me, but I lived through it, second best in the class, at least up until junior year. I was beat by Darla and Penny, so that gave me third best. I know what I'm doing, I just don't look it because I'm fat. I admit it, I'm fat, but I don't want to do anything about it. They can't recognize me in this body.  This only took three years, I can't wait to stop hiding, but I'll be trapped in here until then.
I started eating about halfway through senior year. It wasn't hard to hid everything. I wore baggy clothes which gave everyone the impression that I was pregnant. Hah! Pregnant. Even the school counselor pulled me aside and asked me what was going on. I assured her that I wasn't pregnant and we will get through the graduation just fine. Besides, the best school in the state accepted my application!
So going into college I tried to get friends, but I forgot that the school was focused on sports, and who wants a fat kid on thier team? One ninty I weighed back then, too overwieght and too big to join a team. I needed to hide so I didn't join the team. I found a couple of kids who didn't join, but lucky me they all transfered before the year was out.  On to my second semester alone. You know what they say about the freshman 15, you'll gain it and never lose it. Well I did just that. I tipped the scales at 210. Two years later at an even 250 I have no friends, no social life and only food and my studies to keep me afloat. I made it to the deans list again, my family was glad to hear of that, I think.
I met Kathy my freshman year, but we obviously didn't look like two people who would become friends.  What she doesn't know is that she needs me more than anyone, now. I knew the forest was growing back in highschool, it took my youngest sibling, as well as my mother, I know how dangerous it can be. I lived next to the forest then, but no longer. I live in the forest now. It dares not try to control my house now, where I live with my remaining two siblings and my great-uncle. My father left after my mother died, and half the town beleives that he killed her and ran while the other half believes that the forest took her, messed with his mind and then he ran away. 
Kathy needs me to help her. I know that she can save us, however stupid I may sound. I left her a note after out last encounter, and I know she read it. She's as nosy as a fox and can't keep her own hand out of the cookie jar. Strickly speaking of course, I obviously can't anymore. But once the forest is destroyed then I will have my inner beauty show again. Right now I'm hiding it. Please Kathy, realize your inner strengh!

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