Sunday, February 20, 2011


I realized yesterday that we've been living together for two years.  What was there to prove that we loved each other? That we still had fun? That we were still romantically involved with each other? There was nothing, except for a few pictures printed from the local convenience store.  That certainly didn't prove anything. Didn't prove that we loved each other, didn't prove that we were still in love, didn't prove that we even knew each other. We just looked like we lived with each other. 
But it was too late to go back. I couldn't remember who I was before I met him. Before any this happened. There was college, and the years in college, and the hard work I put into college then he didn't continue with college, he left but why? I never understood. I never understood why he didn't finish with college. I still don't understand why he backed out of the firefighting business too. I never brought it up to him, I wonder why now.
This is what I asked myself as I read the newspaper and drank my coffee.  The funnies weren't holding my attention today, but the tabloids were. Apparently Ivan Qua came out with a new song about broken relationships and well his wife of three years left him. It made me think about how neither of us have left yet after two years. We were in a rut and living together, like an old married couple. Except without the arguments, sex life or well, any communication whatsoever. We had our friends so we had a social life. We both worked so we both had a work life but was there anything else for us?
Right about here Jack, my coffee maker leaned over and flicked me upside the head.  He always did that to grab my attention.  "Want another cup?"
I automatically raised my cup, he always gave me free refills.  Never understood why but he did.
"Whats wrong hon?" I sighed and dropped my glass. 
"Whaddya want Jack." He sat down next to me in the booth, and filled my glass that was still halfway full.  He flashed me a grinning smile. "Let ol' Jack help you out."
"Ha ha Jack, you know that you've been a great friend but I don't think there's anything that you can do. It's home stuff."
He scooted closer to me, the chair scraped on the linoleum.  As he leaned in I could smell his cologne, it was coffee, I could have guessed that.  "C'mon hon, I promise I won't laugh. What did you do? Break a window? Forget to call your mother?"
"Very funny." I replied. I still hadn't looked at him since he sat down.
"Tell you what," He got up from the chair, "Swing by after shift, I'll take you out. Rascal won't mind will he?"
He meant Rascal, I knew it. I don't think Jack even knew his name, or at least his real name. Wait, he wants me to cheat on Rascal?
"What are you aiming at Jack. What's your angle."
"Angle? Ha ha, there is no angle hon. Just want to show you a good time, one that you haven't had in a while."
I suddenly felt uncomfortable.  I got up and dropped my newspaper on the floor and all over my chair. He laughed and helped me collect it, which in turn made the coffee spill over and drenched my dress. He laughed even harder, and offered his shirt. "I've got an extra one in the truck, forget about it." Then with a wink he disappeared behind the counter, shirtless.
I had only a glimpse of his perfect body, but I knew that the memory would live with me forever.
I left my sodden paper and broken coffee cup behind and donned his shirt. I laughed, it matched my dress.
I walked home with a hurt pride, but with the determination that I would prove that I could have a good time without Mr. Casanova.
When I got home I found a note on the table from Rascal. It said that he was working the late shift and wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon.
Maybe I did have the time to have a good time...

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