Sunday, April 17, 2011


Threre's so much war and destruction going on in the world, Sometimes I'm afraid to leave my bed. My car becomes a death trap, the food I eat can become poisonous. I could fall and break a bone the right way, I could electrocute myself, or the ceiling could fall on my head. There are so many dangers in the world, and there are some havens of peace. But not very many.
I've read about heaven, heard people speak of it, and swear by it, but what do we really know about heaven?
As children we hear that if we give up everything that we have before we die, we will walk into heaven knowing that we will live in a golden castle.  And those that still go to heaven but do not give their belongings away will live in shacks, but made of other worthy material. The streets are paved with diamonds, and everyone is happy. In movies, the children have angel wings, but only receive the wings if there is bell rung for them. It's a better place for all to live in, "... and people are kind." (Suessical)
I was driving home the other day and found myself dreaming of my heaven. I don't know why, but I was. In my heaven it was quiet, and trees blooming with white flowers decorated the rolling landscape. Just outside of the garden of white roses there was a rolling hill, and I could run up it as fast as I wanted and still never see what was on the other side. I'd never see what was on the other side, but it was how I wanted it to be. At night I would lie in the glade and look up at the thousands of stars and galaxies that brilliantly lit up the 'bluesh black thing that got stuck up there." (Lion King) I would have wings, and I could fly, high into the sky to dance with the clouds and flit along the wind.
Some day I'll go there, and that will be a hundred years from now, so I have nothing to worry about. By and by my heaven will become a little bigger, just for now I can see it, just over that horizon.

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