Sunday, July 29, 2012


I'm an a student with awesome algebra skills
Does this mean I'll be popular?
I'm a bouncing bubbly brunette
Does this mean everyone will think I'm smart too?
I'm a cute Caucasian chef
Does this mean that ill win that cooking show?
I'm a deaf & dumb clothing designer
Does this mean I'll be treated the same way as everyone else?
I'm an eccentric energetic engineer
But I'm also a girl, will I be paid the same?
I'm a flashy fun Filipino
Does this mean that I'll still be stereotyped?
I'm  glorious, gay and grateful
Does this mean that ill be shunned?
I'm hot handsome and hunky
Does this mean I'll be covered in babes?
I'm icy, ignorant and feeling immortal
Does this mean that I'm also anti social?
I'm joyful jubilant and jealous
Does this mean that i cant be normal?
I'm a kind hearted kindred spirit
Does this mean that I can't sometimes be naughty?

I'm lazy, a loser and lucky
Does this mean I'm still a waste of space?
I'm mad, meticulous and meandering
Does this mean that I'm also a menace to you?
I'm nice, noble and naughty
Does this mean that I suffer from a particular disease?
I'm open obvious and oppositional
Does this mean that I'm hard to work with?
I'm positive pleasant and particular
Does this mean that I shouldn't have any more friends?
I'm quaint quite and quite a sight
Does this mean that I'm different?
I'm radical, raunchy and reverent
Does this mean that I shouldn't be this way?
I'm shy, speechless and sorry
Does this mean that you can walk all over me?
I'm talkative tiny and can go off on tangents
Does this mean that you'll treat me like a child?
I'm a unit, universal and ugly
Does this mean I'm too big?
I'm a very versatile voluptuous being
Does this mean I'll have lots of dates?
I'm young and yellow bellied
Does this mean that I should be afraid everyday?
I'm zany, zesty and zoetic
Does this mean that I should be quiet and tame instead?

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