Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sweet Suit

So guess who went for an interview today! Yes, thats right... ME! And well, for the first time in a while, my mom helped me pick out the outfit. Ayup. That turned out to be interesting. Any who's I've had this suit in my closet for years but I've been trying to avoid using it because, well, I have so many other pretty outfits to wear to interviews! Lets not mention how a few years back I went to the movies for an interview with a little summer dress on... yikes.

Now this needed a little extra help since it is pretty down there. Luckily in my closet I also had a vest size collared shirt to help! (These are before and after ironing shots so please ignore the odd numbering of buttons!) The vest helped me get the professional look and set off the drab one color scheme that I had going on. Yick yick. You know how much I like drab!

The suit I found at a Goodwill, and I used it for a state get together. Ask me about the details, I'd love to talk more about it! ☺ So I may have only spent maybe $15 on the whole get-up? Not for a professional look though! The shirt was around $3 - $4 and the shoes were $30... they cost that much because they were originally bought to go dancing in for a play... I just can't give up my plays! And if you look at the first picture again, you can see that at the en dof the day at work, after the interview or what have you, you can turn this outfit into a play date outfit if you have the right shirt underneath! It's a high waist so it hid all the ugly wrinklies caused by the underneath shirt, which is great for me, I always seem to have them!

Oh and one last bit, I didn't take a picture with the jewelry but I did wear bright blue costume jewelry with big balls that matched the earring set. It went well with the light pink shirt and tan suit!

Suit:       $15
Shirt:      $4
Shoes:    $30
Jewelry: $1

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