Monday, November 29, 2010

Uh Oh... Christmas Gifts!

Do you have a few people that need Christmas gifts but you don't have the money to buy them gifts that come from the heart?
I'm kidding, I've just wanted to say that since I started the blog. Hehe.

Any whose...

*koff koff*

Do you have any gifts that are hanging out in your closet from bygone days and past holidays? Simply REGIFT. But make sure that you're not giving the same gift to that someone that gave it to you. That would be kinda bad. I was cleaning this weekend and I found six bouncy balls, five unfinished gimp projects and four boxes of different sizes filled with Christmas Tree Goodies.  Yea, its time to regift those things. Oh and a Tinkerbell ping pong set. Uhhh regift? For the baby cousin? Yes, I think so too. I don't even like the new Tinkerbell, she looks undisney like, and fake. And she has a voice! The original Tinkerbell didn't have a form and hardly talked!
Okay rant is over, but serioulsy, isn't regifting the cheaper way to go? We spend enough on taxes and food and appliances and bills and school and other means, shouldn't we look into something that'll stop burning a hole in our pockets? (Seeing that we actually still have pockets since businesses keep reaching in there to take a little bit more out every day!)

Happy Re-Shopping!

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