Sunday, January 30, 2011


As my friends wrote "Its a mind f---." And yet they suffered through it so I could watch it for the first time. If you need help getting through the story, I can certainly help, but its a little...
Plot: Cobb was hired to plant an idea into the mind of the son of a bigshot who owned a huge company. If the son continued with the company then there would be basically a huge monopoly of the one item.  In order to plant the idea Cobb and his team went into the son's mind via a 'dreambox.' To make us really confused is how these dreams all mesh together and how they all makes sense. I took three years of Psychology so I semi get it, but to not spoil it all for you, I won't tell you how they do it.
I mean come on, if I can understand it, then you can too!

I apologize for the pictures, sometimes they come out a little fuzzy!

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