Monday, August 19, 2013

Housesitting Day 1

Well, I am house-sitting for a dear friend and I've decided to Journal my adventures. This is going to be a fun experience because not only do I have the house to myself, but I have to take care of her two cats and plethora of chickens! I've left the comforts of home, such as mom made cooking and most of my laundry, at home and I have to fend for myself most of the time! I know the neighbors which is the good news, and the house, so I'm pretty well off!

During my time here I will be holding two jobs, starting a new job, studying for a test and taking care of the animals. I will also be making my own food, doing my own laundry (as I know how) and getting myself out of bed on time to go to work, the test, etc. This is going to be one heck of an adventure and I'm going to enjoy just about every minute of it!

So, today is day one. I'm staying the night on the couch because I can't stand sleeping on her bed and I've discovered how to use the remote. I don't have to cook my own dinner because my mother cooked for me and I should be studying but instead I'm trying to figure out the house myself. I did go to a study session earlier in the day, I didn't go to work, so I feel like I did take care of it, but I really should study some more.

Well, the chickens are in the coop, the cats are fed (only one is around, strange) and I'm off to bed as well.

G'night! xo - E

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