Friday, August 30, 2013

Housesitting Day 12

Day Eleven. I've got one more week left for house sitting. On the bright side, I can't wait to go home! It's been interesting living in my own 'apartment'. I have to wake myself up on time to go to work, I have to take care of my own meals, and I'm responsible for more than one breathing creature. It's been an experience.

Today I picked up the mail and took care of the lousy chickens. I swear they're out to get me. Only one egg this morning, and when I went to take care of them this afternoon I didn't find any more in the coop which leaves me to suspect that the neighbors have been taking them all again. No worries! It's not like I can eat a dozen in a day! Oh... that's an idea. Maybe I can leave brownies behind for the family that I'm sitting for... something nice to come home to!

I made dinner tonight, and I don't think I'm going to make it again. It was a shortened recipe, I didn't really feel like digging up the rest of the ingredients so I made do with what I had. I had a package of salmon, cream cheese and fresh tomatoes that I wrapped up with a dash of salt, pepper and garlic in a, well, a wrap. The combination was alright, but I don't think I'll make it again unless if was with the right bread.

My voice is slowly coming back. But by coming back means with a mean cough that just jars my ribs. It'll pass soon. It always does. Hopefully in time for my test on Friday!

Mom wants to take me out for dinner tomorrow night, which is great for me because then I don't have to make anything! I ate the leftovers from last night for lunch, and I have one more serving that I'll for tomorrow's lunch so that just leaves me with Thursday open to ideas. Maybe macaroni and cheese for sure this time? I don't know. We'll find out soon enough!

So last night I came up with this idea with the baby ducklings that I've been making: Tooth fairy pillows! I just sew on one wing and leave it open like a little pocket, big enough for a baby tooth! I've already given away three... maybe I should sell the rest and make a profit... 

Also, with last night I finished another Sheila Connolly novel! I'll have this one posted soon! I can't wait for the next one, that's for sure! In the mean time I'm going to be reading a different novel, since I can't get to the library until next week. Sigh. And I want to find out if they end up together or not!! Meg and Seth that is...

Anyways... night!

xo - E

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