Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Courtney and Rachel are gone. I don't know where they went, they are just -- gone. It's been over two weeks and the whole town is worried. We don't know where they went. Courtney left a note on the table in their house saying that they went out shopping to the nearby outlet but from here to there they disappeared. The Police say that 911 received a call from Rachel's phone but all they heard was the rustle of branches and the screech like when a car scrapes across the side of a car but that was all. It wasn't even enough to record. Their families are worried, some of their friends are worried. When Alice, my current girlfriend, heard about them gone, she went white and left my house in a hurry. I hope she didn't have anything to do with their disappearance. It would break my heart again.
I'm scared for Courtney. Courtney is the world to me, she was my everything. Ever since I met her in high school, I've been in love. She has always made me laugh, how ever corny the joke was. I didn't want to say anything in high school, because we were from different groups, she was from the bottom of the rack, the lower group, the one that always tried to fit in, an outsider. She hung out with all the outcasts of the school, at least of our school, the goths, the overweight, the tattooed, the pierced even the quiet ones. They all banded together during lunch and during field days, I always felt sorry for them. I am one of them. I fit in with them, I really did. I never was very good in sports, I do actually have a piercing, my left ear was done, I pulled it out the night before I moved up here, I was over weight until I moved up here, then I grew out of it. The only reason why I moved up in ranks was because of Alice, she pulled me up there by dating me, the 'new guy.' We have been dating since sophmore year, right after I met Courtney.
Alice hates Courtney, that's why she proclaimed me her boyfriend. I never actually said that she was my girlfriend. It's all her, and Courtney knows that. I feel nothing for Alice, I love Courtney. I'm scared for Courtney. Rachel I know is her best friend from out of town. I don't know much about her, just that she hangs out with Courtney. She's not that bad looking either. But I don't care about Rachel, maybe I will in the future, like maybe considering her as the Maid of Honor, hah, listen to me about wedding plans, already. But no, no matter what girl walks by me, I love Courtney. She is everything to me. She is beautiful, talented in art, wonderful singer, and everyday this summer she stopped by my work and dropped off a diet coke, I LOVE diet coke.
Courtney, and Rachel for that matter, I hope you girls are okay. If I ever see you again Courtney, I want you to be with me and I'll make sure you never leave my sight and scare everyone again.
Alice, I hope you're not a part of this, I really do.

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