Monday, August 2, 2010

The Old Closet Part 1/Day 5 (8.2.10)

Ello Folks! As usual I'm my chipper self seeing how G.B. yelled over the speakers today "BLESS YOU" right after I sneezed. Totally made my night! And a customer said that I had a cute smile.. you can say that right!
So before I get all mushy over work and other things I'll give ya'll the laydown of the day:

Health Nut:
Cereal for b'fast
Hotdog/Cheese stick for lunch
Macaroni/Chips/Soda/Candy for Lunch
Didn't work out... Lost track of time [ruler on wrist of that one!]

The Room:
As you can tell from my title today I tackled the closet. Really the shelf with all the books on it. I need another box, thats for sure. I got rid of one and sent it to the library for the donations that all go to the um, to the um, FAIR to the fair to be sold to fund things for the library throughout the year. Yea go me, I'm helping out my community. GO ME!
And I went to Christines to donate my clothes, she also sells them and gives me half of the profits. I like that, getting something out of the profits! She only took two pairs of pants though, which is rather too bad I think. So, she's going to sell them for me and in late October I get to pick up the money and maybe donate some more things to her. Not a bad trade off right?
I still have four stacks, no five stacks of books in my room plus more in the 'new' closet that I don't necessarily want to give away but they still need a home nevertheless. Odd of me right? I can't quite find a home for the, and they're certainly not I repeat not going back in the closets!!!

That's about it. Oh and mom doesnt quite get it that its one of my goals this summer to get rid of the $&!# in my room/closet. You know how much better I'm going to feel and much more 'grown up' when this is all through with? MUCH MUCH BETTER! So suck it up ... please. It's going to make us both feel much better when its all over and done with. I'm still going to have to through the umpteeth boxes stacked everywhere in here. EHHHH And I need to pack too! Oy Vey...Not to mention I broke something as it fell off the shelf when I was grabbing books....

And that is how I'm going to send ya'll off tonight. Now I'm going to talk to someone, recheck the blasted emails, balance my checkbook, read a few chapters in Little Women (awsome book, even better play!) and eventually fall asleep. Laptop needs to charge, thats why I'm staying up a little past 1230! Goo'nigh! 11:33 pm 8.2.10

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